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Thursday, November 18, 2010

10 Things .

Sikeret yang yak seberapa sikerett lah sangat sebenarnya, saja nak menga-update, risau tgk blog sunyi.

 1. I am an Anime-addict. I've watched Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach, Black Cat, Maid-Sama, Vampire Knight, Inuyasha, One Piece and Nodame Cantabile, you name it.

2. I can remember the names of all the creatures in Pokemon. Yeah, Spearow the bird, Clefairy the fairy, Vulpix the fox, and my favourite FLAREON, OH YEAHHH.

3. "Imma higgly town hero brave and true, i help the town with the things i do, so work real hard and you will see, that you could be a hero, just like me, a hero just like me ! ". Yes, i memorize The Higgly Town Heroes theme song.

4. I was so excited when Toys Story 3 came out. I've waited my whole life for it. Kenapa, sebab saya practically grew up with Toys Story. I forced my brother to 'teman' me to the theater just to watch Toys Story 3 premiere, and yes, i cried :') 

5.  If I had to choose between my friends or my family, I choose my family because let me tell you this, my family's just plain AWEHHSOHMEE ! 

 6. I am fourteen, and I still cuddles under my dad's arm at night. Just because, he's my dad and I am proud to say that I am my daddy's little princess. Hey peeps, i ALWAYS kiss my mum on the cheek, yes in public and I am DAMNNN cool about it.

7. When i was 6 years old, in kindergarten, I had this puppy crush on this Chinese boy. Just because, he always gave me his Dinosaur cookies during recess and he told me that he had this Pokemon game console and we would talk about Pokemon all day longggg. 

8. To be true, I dont understand why and what is sooooo appealing about KL. I mean, asal cuti je, mesti TURUN KL, diorg rasa cool sangat lah -.- I was born and raised in KL, but tak de lah waktu saya lahir kat HPC, saya macam "wahhh im born in KL, i must be damn cool when i grow up ". Nothing.

9. I dont give a damn about pierces, tattoo, cigarette,  shorts, DSLR, tank tops, boys and so on. Yes, frankly, I dont give a damn on what teenagers these days are doing. Cause i know its worthless, useless and meaningless. It won't take you anywhere sweetheart. 

10. I rather play hopscotch, pick a stick then throw it to Taj, play sep-sep-sep, punching each other in the face while saying ' I Love You' and say random things to each other with Aina, than hanging out with the so-called HotStuffs.

After all this, you might think Im a nerd or a geek, or bunch of loser, but trust me, THESE makes me waaaayyyyyyyy cooler than you are :)